Hi All!
If you don't know me, I'm MB (Mary Beth for long). My friend Kris and I have been in this crazy book world for a lot of years now. We've done some blogging, reviewing, were beta readers, graphic desingers (Kris not me), worked for an awesome PR company, helped work an awesome Event called Penned con and are even dabbling in some writing. What we realized through the years is that we missed the community aspect of the book world.
With being behind the scenes we fell behind and got a little out of touch with the new authors and even some of our favorites. We'll that's going to change right not..... or well in the near future but we are starting the new page in a few days so whatever; STOP JUDGING ;) . We are going back to our roots and decided to start a new blog called About The Story Book Blog. We will be reading not for the author, (not to say we don't have our favs), not for the genre, but for the story. We want to bring the fun back to blogging and not just be a promo mill. We will share things we like besides just books, like music because that tells a story and maybe movies or who knows what else. We'll have takeovers, games, contests, maybe a scavenger hunt or two but best of all you will get to know us and hopefully we will get to know you.
We will accept review submission and sign up for blog tours but we will do so on a strategic basis. We do want to share these fabulous authors with you but we will be selective in doing so.
We will also be starting an About The Story Book Blog Jr. Our children have somehow become readers as well and they want to share their love for books with you. They will also display their art and maybe some of the music they love.
So stay tuned for the fun, who knows you might find something you love.
~MB & Kris